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Creativity is usually the answer if what's already being done isn't working. We'll figure it out together.

Persona Design

I work with you to describe, define, and design characters, or persona, who can be used to help create story boards, business requirements, design documents, and many other creative projects.  Here are a few examples of persona.


I work with you to discuss your ideas for stories, products, programs, organizations, or anything you want people to know more about and understand more clearly.  We co-create storylines then decide how to present them to your audience, check out a few examples here.

Simple Illustrations & Drawings

Many ideas can be best conveyed through simple line drawings. I've noticed people are very drawn to concepts that don't look finished and appear to be light enough to be changed or even for the lines to exist but people can color them in to their own liking.  Consider the multiple uses for simple coloring book formats.

Graphic Novels

I work with you to turn your already developed storylines into compelling graphic novel images to illustrate your story in ways that capture your audience's full attention. Whether you're imagining a story that couldn't happen in the real world or one that could if some things were changed, we make your story real.

Color Apps
User Experiences (UX)
User Interfaces (UI)

User journeys, user stories, customer journeys, and other business user considerations, like User Experience (UX), are critical in launching new applications. I can take your user stories and work with UX Designers to create color mockups of what your app will look like. 

Vision Architecture

Vision Architecture is a framework I created to help clearly define your vision, how it functions, what it includes, why you're working on it, who will be involved, where it will exist, and when it will come into existence. VA has 4 stepped workshops: 1) Alfa for the current state; 2) Bravo for the future state; 3) Charlie for the roadmap from A to B; and 4) Delta for the measurements you'll use to make sure you hit your goals when you need to.


People have said some nice things about me, check them out...

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