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1-Hr Vision Architecture Delta Workshop

Writer: stephaniehaydenstephaniehayden

Once you've completed Alfa, Bravo, and Charlie Vision Architecture workshops you're ready to wrap everything up with Delta workshop. Whether you're creating a digital product, planning to move, planning to invent or reinvent yourself, or redesign something that doesn't work for you anymore, Delta is the final workshop you need to identify the coordinates and measurements you'll use on your journey to move from Alfa (current state) to Bravo (future state).

Delta focuses on mapping your measured priorities, identified in the Charlie workshop, into timelines we define to understand where you want to be in 3-6-9 months, and if applicable, 1-5 years.

It's very easy to start off on your journey toward your future goals without having clear targets in place, because you want to leave a little flexibility for wandering and discovery. This makes sense, and at the same time, consider the world's great explorers got into trouble or ended up on totally different continents than expected when they started just a few degrees off course. You can wander, but know your exact coordinates before you go.

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