Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE) - Natural Gas & Electric Utility Technology Services
Technical Program Manager / IT Solution Architect
Contract - | San Francisco, CA | Apr. 2015 – Jul. 2015
Technologies: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft .NET, Python, MATLAB, Bit Stew
As a Senior IT Solution Architect at PGE, led the technical solution definition and transition of the earthquake disaster response system to Cloud Services, encompassing the migration of legacy hardware, systems software, data, and storage. Implemented a robust active/active failover Disaster Recovery plan for earthquake resilience within a 12-week timeframe.
Key Achievements:
Requirements Elicitation & Documentation: Collaborated with senior experts to comprehend and document damage models, technologies, manual processes, hardware, data, ETL methodologies, infrastructure, and networks. Developed three development options for cloud migration considering technology retention, tool sunsetting, machine learning exploration, and migration paths to AWS Cloud Services. Produced enterprise architecture drawings illustrating data flows, systems, users, infrastructure, disaster recovery, security, and networks.
Operations, Standards & Tools: Adhered to a stringent waterfall SDLC, developing a 12-week Microsoft Project Plan, engaged stakeholders to collect requirements, create the IT Solution Blueprint, facilitate reviews, amendments, approvals, and gain final sign-off by 50+ stakeholders.