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Vision Architecture Emotions Map

Writer: stephaniehaydenstephaniehayden

I didn't invent this map.

I think the first time I saw this I was, maybe, ten years old. It's so simple, but so useful. I brought it up during some workshops I was doing in a Bay Area city and I noticed there were a lot of people who were there but were really reserved or uncomfortable. I hadn't really seen that before because a lot of times clients are pretty excited to be doing workshops.

This was different because it was all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds, all ages, and many languages. I made this map and brought it to the next session and handed these out with highlighter markers and asked everyone to highlight how they were feeling coming into the workshop this time. I said they didn't have to share it with anyone if they didn't want to and they could just keep it for themselves to see if they feel different after the workshop or the next day and way.

People asked if we could start every meeting this way and if they could take extra copies home with them.

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